ORNAC Membership is based on a rolling membership. Your membership is good for 365 days and you will receive an email reminding you when the membership is getting close to the expiry date.
ORNAC Members and Associates lists are generated from the database exclusively to your ORNAC Board member, and sent to each Provincial Council on an as-needed basis.
Residents of the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut are encouraged to join ORNAC by selecting either the province closest to them, or the province which will best facilitate their travel to Annual General Meetings and other events/opportunities.
Registered Nurses First Assistants Network of Canada (RNFANC)
$10.00 (plus applicable taxes)
Should you decide you would like to join one of these groups later in the year, please Contact Membership Servicesto have the option added to your profile and to remit any applicable fees.
For any additional questions, comments or concerns, please Contact Membership Services by email and we will be happy to provide answers and additional walkthroughs to help you get the most out of your online membership experience.