Historical Timeline
ORNAC and other history:
1956 - first documented discussions by OR nursing groups across CANADA to form a national association start
1970- first national conference held in Montreal for OR nurses
1972 - first published recommendations for operating room nursing practice penned by Gloria Stephen
1978 - all provinces working towards provincial associations
1982 - operating room nurses association of Canada formed
1983 - first Canadian journal for operating room nurses published entitled “Canadian operating room journal”
1984 - inaugural writing award established with funding from “surikos”
1985 - ORNAC logo created and unveiled to members
1988 - recommended standards for perioperative registered nurses created and published
1988 - first perioperative EDUCSTION approval program developed by ORNAC
1990 - perioperative nurses week recognized by the organization (second week of November)
1992 - sugikos writing award changed to the ORNAC - drake Thompson writing award to honor two sale representatives that tragically past away.
1994 - RNFAs formally recognized in Canada as a perioperative advanced practice specialty
1995 - CPN(C) established with Canadian nurses association
1999 - CORL established
2012 - name of journal changed to ORNAC journal
2013 - ORNAC officially incorporates
2022 - webinar master class established
2023 - working group established to revamp the ORNAC bylaws
2024 - ORNAC LOGO and website revamped