Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada


ORNAC recognizes some of the outstanding achievements of Canadian perioperative nurses through an awards program that is managed by the Awards Committee and supported by a range of corporate sponsors. Unless otherwise noted, awards are presented at the biennial ORNAC conference. Previous recipients of each award can be found in the past recipients page.

Nominations OPEN December 1
Nominations CLOSED March 1
Awards Notification May 21
Achievement Awards
Drake ThompsonCriteriaApply Now
Isabelle AdamsCriteriaApply Now
Muriel ShewchukCriteriaApply Now
Excellence Awards
Gloria StephensCriteriaApply Now
Lorne FlowerCriteriaApply Now
Chris Downey Rising StarCriteriaApply Now
RMAC Surgical Patient SafetyCriteriaApply Now
J & J Surg Med/ORNAC EducationCriteriaApply Now